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​The "Learn and live as European Citizens" youth exchange project aims at giving participants the opportunity to explore, feel and better understand what being an European Citizen means. The project intends to involve participants in a fruitful debate about their role in the European integration process, comparing the participants' perception of the impact of this ongoing process. Moreover, the programme will showcase study and work opportunities offered by the European Union as rights that go with European citizenship.
The project is open for participants aged 18-25 from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Slovenia. Each country will take part into the project with 4 participants and 1 group leader.

Learn and Live as European Citizens is a project approved and co-funded by the Youth in Action Programme - Action 1.1 "Youth Exchanges".



About Us


Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia is a non profit organisation providing information and education about the EU, with over twenty years of experience in education and information initiatives on European integration, European federalism and European identity and the role of individual citizens within it. Its activities target both adults and young people, in an effort aiming at spreading European awareness at all society levels. Awareness initiatives are organized as meetings, exhibitions, information activities, community events to celebrate Europe Day, activities and international seminars in collaboration with other partners (in particular with other EUNET members). ​Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia is a member of the EUNET, and it is officialy supported by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia is based on voluntary work, its members are university professors, researchers, students, journalists and school teachers.

A Youth Exchange project

​2013 Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Call us:

Tel. +39 0481 536429
Fax. +39 0481 537036

Find us: 

Piazza Vittoria, 55 - 34170 Gorizia (Italy)​​

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